130 MIDI Tool Box
130 MIDI Tool Box.iso
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Text File
134 lines
Version 0.90
(c) Copyright 1989 by David Rutkowski
All rights reserved
David Rutkowski
2521 Riverside Dr. N.E.
Grand Rapids MI, 49505
PERF-480 is a program for the Yamaha PSS-480 synthesizer
which allows "layering" (several voices sounded when one key
is hit) and "splits" (different voices sounding on different
areas of the keyboard.) Together, these effects are called
"Performances" and are generally available on professional
level Yamaha products.
The program requires an IBM-PC compatible and an MPU-401 type
MIDI interface. This version 0.90 of the program is a working
prototype which I have bundled with the PS Ed-480 patch editor
for the Yamaha PSS-480.
The PERF-480 program may be freely copied and distributed but not
sold for profit. I retain all rights the program, but in no
way am I liable for any consequences resulting from its use.
Unfortunately, due to the PSS-480's mode characteristices,
the program will only work properly in 99. This means that
layering and splits can not be used in conjunction with the
PSS-480's accompaniment features. (I am working on the problem,
and a future version may work in a limited way in 00 mode.)
PERF-480 is reads a specially formatted file specified on the
command line, or will read PERFORM.DAT if no file is specified.
The specially formatted file (which can be produced or edited
by any text editor which produces standard ASCII files) contains instructions on what
voices to sound when a key in a particular range of keys is hit.
Here is an example:
! Organ_split
c5 c8 02 1 0 0 vs
c1 b4 28 2 20 12 v
The "!" character precedes the name which will appear on a
menu of defined setups when the data file is loaded bye
PERF-480. This name cannot have spaces in it. The name
can be followed bye a file name which contains a set of
custom patch banks such as those created by PS Ed-480. If
such a file is specified, the patches it contains are down-
loaded to the PSS-480 and are available for use.
The ";" character precedes comments. Lines which begin with
";" are ignored by PERF-480. Such comments make a data file
easier to understand. The comment
is just such a bit of usefule text. It required order and names
of the elements which define a PERF-480 setup. For example, the
comment and data line
c5 c8 02 1 0 0 vs
signify a layer beginning on the note C5 (Middle C), extending
to C8, using patch 02 (Pipe Organ) sent to the PSS-480 on
channel 1. The velocity offset is zero meaning it will be
no louder or softer than other patches in this definition.
The pitch offset is 0 (meaning the notes will sound as played
on the keyboard, no higher or lower. The effects used will be
v (vibrato) and s (sustain.)
Now, let's add the second line of data,
c5 c8 02 1 0 0 vs
c1 b4 28 2 20 12 v
which signifies a second voice in the range of C1 through B4
(ending on the note just before the beginning og the first
definitions range.) This will use patch 28 (Tremolo Organ)
transmitted on channel 2. The velocity will be reduced by 10
(making it quieter than the first definition) and will be
raised 12 half-tones, or one full octave.
See the PERFORM.DAT file for more examples of layers and splits.
For PERF-480 to work properly the PSS-480 must be in mode
99 with the voice set to any patch EXCEPT one of the custom
voice banks (b1 through b5.) The program is invoked:
PERF [filename]
where filename is the name of an optional, alternate data
file. If no file is specified PERFORM.DAT will automatically
be loaded from the current directory.
In the sample PERFORM.DAT file, setups which use custom patch
banks have names beginning with an asterisk. This is because
a special procedure must be followed when custom patch banks
are used. Seemingly due to a quirk in the PSS-480, before
using a custom bank in 99 mode, the PSS-480 must be cycled
once through 00 mode by pressing the MIDI MODE key, the minus
key, and then the plus key on the PSS-480 control panel.
Note: Since channels are specified in the performance defin-
ition, it would seem any midi device may be controlled, not
only the PSS-480, although I have as yet not tested it in
this way.
This program has been bundled with the PS Ed-480 custom patch
editor. If you did not receive the program in conjuction with
the editor, and would like more information, write to me
at the address at the beginning of this document.
---------------------------------David Rutkowski 5/89 -----------